December ~ a month full of 'whatsoever'... *wink*

School holidays, weddings, family gatherings, Christmas!, reunions, and of course the so-called New Year countdown.. kan? I'm sure all of you already had a plan in your mind on what will you be doing in December.

In our family itself, there will be two (yes, 2!) weddings this month. Mummy's youngest bro a.k.a. Bbicq (si bibik @ harvey bah...) is getting married on this coming 26th. Who's the lucky girl? of course his darling la bah.. c Emy.. Emy is my cousin from my Daddy's side.. (maksudnya Bbicq & her are not related okay..) The ceremony will take place at St.Pius X Church, Bundu Tuhan. Lepas tu, biasalah, aramaiti d Emy's place... (misti syok tu kan...!)

Four days after Bbicq & Emy punya wedding, my bro pula akan menyusul.. Adrian a.k.a. Titus is getting married to Marilyn a.k.a. Mer.. si Mer is from Tambunan and of course la the wedding will be in Tambunan. (jadi, di mana lagi?) hehehe... It will be on the 30th December 2008.

Okay, now I'm worried. 30th falls on Tuesday and it is NOT a public holiday..! On Bbicq's wedding (26th) should be okay la mungkin cos I can use my day-off on that day. Tapi, 3o haribulan? apamaciam....? heisshh.... Being a kuli-kuli is always macam ni; reluctant to apply for annual leave as there are only two person (including me) yang buat the daily admin job. (our Exec inda buli kira, cos her kerja lagi la heavy-metal) Meaning to say, if I ambik leave on that day (30th), my other colleague will cover 2 person's job (mine & hers) ~ (and it's month-end some more!!) .. kesian juga. TAPI... my bro kahwin satu kali ja.. lagi la kesian & inda logik if I inda pigi... (kan?) ..

So, I'll have my fingers crossed all thru dis week .. *praying hard supaya my boss will approve my 'one-day-only' leave.. huhuhuhu...........

Eh, napa melalut sudah ni.. back to the topic. So people, do Enjoy your December and have a blessed Advent and oso the for coming Christmas k... ~tata!!!~

*hmmm.... will be going to Kuching for AA training on this coming 14th & 15th...*
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