Well... teda-teda bah tu..
Only few things for babyRon.. he..he..he...
mari kita lihat.....
*the parcel*
*the things*
( 3 Rompers & Belly Wrapper )
I ordered these from Lildanzell as they're having sale until end of this month..
However, out of the three rompers, babyRon buli pakai yang 1 tu saja.. the hot pink one.
b'coz yang dua tu utk 3-6 months & 6-12 months hehhe...
I purposely chose that size ba juga. hihihi...
mo tinguk si baby on that romper ka..?
I ask him dulu whether he tidak malu-malu k...
(oppsss... why my tangan & kaki inda kena expose2 nih... haisshhh....)
aha! mittens & booties...
(hah? oso pink??) hurmm... never mind la, as long my mummy happy.. hahahah...
*Ronan Frasier in pink!*
sekian & terima kasih....
signing off;
Sia suka ooh itu Red/Nike Romper!!, syiok kan mel dapat fluffy mail, sia buli rasa ada yg kurang oh kalo satu bulan ndada pos laju van datang p rumah, hahaha ....gambar signing up ko bah, "warded"funny ooh, hehe..:)
hahaha.. ya kecik btl tu romper, ngam la ikut badan si baby. ya ba, sy pikir kan, time maternity leave ni buli la kunun stay di rumah & save duit, tau2 makin bengkrap, gara2 fluffy mail ja...hihihi...
o ya itu gambar. hahhaa..
time d ospital, boring2, lama btl kna discaj. smpai sy jadi ketua kg ba d sana, balik2 admit. nti la sia blog pasal tu k. hehehe..
hehehe..okay..betul tu mel,tinggal dalam rumah pun buli bankrupt ni..bahayaa ohh!!!